100 meetings without oil lobbyists

Aug 4, 2016
By James Johnson

On Tuesday, the oil industry’s army of lobbyists found themselves outnumbered by environmental advocates in Sacramento.

I was thrilled to join advocates from Green California – a network of more than 100 organizations with a common environmental, health, and justice agenda – for our annual Advocacy Day in the state capitol. We met with more than 100 lawmakers and their staff on the most urgent matters facing our communities.

Coordinated by CLCV Education Fund, Green California groups represent more than 1 million members. Together we work to advance the most important environmental policies in Sacramento and to make sure our lawmakers hear our voices loud and clear.

On Tuesday, lawmakers heard from advocates in Sacramento. Today, they need to hear from you. Contact your lawmaker today and urge them to support these priority bills:

  • Super Pollutant Reduction Act -- SB 1383 (Lara): Although they remain in the atmosphere for a shorter duration than CO2, the impact of these short-term climate pollutants is significantly more dramatic. Extensive research links particulate pollution and increased ozone levels to severe and chronic health conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and asthma. Take Action Here >>
  • Planning for Healthy Communities Act -- SB 1000 (Leyva): By requiring the inclusive of an Environmental Justice element in General plans, SB 1000  will reduce the disproportionate environmental and health impacts on California's most vulnerable residents. Take Action Here >>
  • Global Warming Solutions Act of 2016 -- SB 32 (Pavley): Climate change’s fingerprints are all over our state’s longer, deadlier, and increasingly damaging wildfire season. SB 32 will extend and expand California's greenhouse gas reduction targets and maintain our state's leadership on addressing climate change. Take Action Here >>
  • California Coastal Commission Lobbyist Disclosure -- AB 2002 (Stone): Common sense legislation which would require those lobbying the Coastal Commission to register with the Secretary of State and disclose their clientele and expenditures, the way other lobbyists are required to do already. Take Action Here >>

Help us keep up the fantastic momentum from Green California’s successful Advocacy Day – and make August Advocacy Month – by contacting your lawmakers during these critical final weeks of the legislative session. Together, our voices are powerful.



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2018 California Environmental Scorecard

New for the 2018 legislative session: The 45th annual California Environmental Scorecard rates elected officials on 2018, another successful year for the environment in spite of heavy opposition from polluting industry.

Find out how your legislators did in 2018 in CLCV's California Environmental Scorecard.