The state legislature passed a new $7.5 billion water bond on August 13, 2014.
CLCV released a statement from CEO Sarah Rose on the water bond's passage:
"CLCV is pleased that the California Legislature came to agreement last night and passed a $7.5 billion water bond, which was signed by Governor Jerry Brown and now heads to the November 2014 ballot.This newly passed water bond has truly broad-based support and will replace the $11 billion bond first placed on the ballot in 2009. CLCV was proud to register support for the legislation (AB 1471, Rendon) creating the new water bond, along with many of our allies in the environmental and environmental justice communities. Many diverse groups and stakeholders came together in negotiations and worked hard to make sure the legislation would protect our environment and our communities.
With one hundred percent of the state now in severe drought, this water bond is critically needed to improve California’s water supply and reliability. The bond passed by the legislature provides important and overdue investments to address California’s critical water needs— for the public, the environment, agriculture and other businesses. The legislation takes steps to do the following: protect and enhance California’s watersheds and ecosystems; ensure that California’s drinking water is safe and reliable; clean, replenish and sustain groundwater basins; and provide for greater capture and reuse of our water resources. The passage of this water bond represents an important step forward for California."